This food replica package focuses on increasing fiber in the diet. Both high- and low-fiber food replicas are provided for demonstrating how changing food selections can increase fiber content of the diet. Includes resealable bags for storage.
The high-fiber Nasco replicas include:
- apple
- beans, kidney
- bread, slice, whole wheat
- broccoli
- carrot sticks, 2
- chili with beans
- muffin, bran
- oatmeal
- orange
- popcorn
- prunes
- rice, brown
- strawberries, 6
- tomato, whole
The low-fiber Nasco replicas include:
- applesauce
- carrots, cooked
- cereal, cornflakes
- hard roll
- juice, orange
- juice, tomato
- peach halves, canned
- rice, white
Made in the U.S.A.