Another group of food replicas to add to your arsenal. This group includes some newer replicas and a mixed offering from all food groups with no duplication of Packages 1-3. Resealable bags are included for storage. The 33 Nasco food replicas include:
- almonds
- apple slices
- apricots
- artichoke
- avocado
- bananas, sliced
- bread, raisin
- breadstick
- brownie
- cheese, Swiss, cube
- chick peas (garbanzo beans)
- chicken strips
- crackers, whole grain
- cranberries, dried
- cucumber slices
- egg, scrambled
- English muffin, half
- grapes, green
- juice, apple
- macaroni and cheese
- milk, 1%
- milk, chocolate
- oats, toasted
- olive oil
- olives, green
- oranges, Mandarin
- pea pods
- spaghetti, whole grain
- sweet potatoes, mashed
- tilapia
- tomatoes, cherry
- turkey, deli, sliced
- water, 8 oz.
NOTE: Nasco Food Replicas are not toys and are not intended for use by unsupervised children under 12 years old.
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