Food replicas bring Nutrition education to life. Add the sense of touch and help people retain knowledge. Our Basic Kits were such a success, we decided to offer our customers a larger selection of food replicas organized by food groups. You can enhance your current replica collection by buying the entire offering, which would add a total 58 replicas to your collection. If you purchased the Complete Basic Replica Kit (WA25943) in the past, you can add the Complete Big Kit having a great selection to plan any meal or lesson you want. Includes the Nasco replicas listed:
- apple, Golden
- banana, sliced
- blackberries
- cantaloupe
- cranberries
- grapefruit
- grapes, red
- juice, orange
- kiwi
- mango
- peach, canned
- raisins
- asparagus
- avocado
- beans, lima
- beans, red
- broccoli
- carrots
- corn on the cob
- onion
- peas
- pepper rings, red
- squash
- sweet potato fries
- bran flakes
- bread, whole wheat
- cornflakes
- crackers, soda, salted
- English muffin
- macaroni
- popcorn
- pretzels, stick
- rice, long grain & wild
- spaghetti
- tortilla, corn
- waffle
- butter pats
- cheese, American
- cheese, cream
- cheese, Swiss
- cheese, string
- cream, whipped
- ice cream
- milk, chocolate
- milk, white, skim
- milk, white, whole
- almonds
- bacon
- beef cubes
- beef, round
- chicken drumstick
- chicken slice
- egg, scrambled
- hamburger
- hot dog
- pork chop
- shrimp
- tofu
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