A unique system that allows an instructor to create custom simulated heart sounds. Editing of heart sounds and rate allows the instructor to accentuate the particular aspects of the sound that is being studied. All recordings can be stored and accessed for classroom use or attached to reference documents such as PowerPoint® slides. Recording capabilities allow for creation of your own case studies. Save time and enhance the student learning process by developing pre-programmed lectures.
- Animations - Over 125 animations
- Images - Many images are included or add your own slides and images
- Expanded Real Heart Sound Library - Approximately 200 real heart sounds
- Preprogrammed Lectures - Use the library of information, simulated and live recorded sounds, built-in heart animations, ultrasound live video images, and dissection slides to create your lecture. Each instructor may have as many as eight lectures
- Simulated Sounds - Expanded to provide a variety of comparisons such as the difference between a split S2, OS, and S3
- Dell Latitude laptop included.
- Allow extra delivery time.